Stop Your Home From Being Foreclosed On

Pre Foreclosure from unpaid mortgage or tax liens? Maybe time to sell.

The first thing to remember when facing any difficulty in life is that things can change for the better. It has been said… “this too shall pass”. All of life’s challenges, failures and troubles will eventually change for the better if we make good decisions in the difficult times.

Abraham Lincoln could have been tempted to give up when his family was forced out of their home in 1816, or when he borrowed money from a friend to start his own business and by the end of the year he was BANKRUPT! According to historical reports, Mr. Lincoln had an incredible number of adversities, tragedies, and setbacks including a nervous breakdown, and 7 or more lost elections before he became one of the greatest presidents the nation has ever known.

No matter the situation, or financial hardships, you can persevere, have a fresh start, and go about finding health, wealth, love, and happiness.

Unfortunately, when it comes to a home being foreclosed on, many people wait until the end. They wait until it’s too late. Although Sell Home Maverick will buy fast for cash, it still takes a little time to work through the details. If your home is currently in pre-foreclosure don’t wait, get the process started now to sell your home and satisfy the mortgage or lien.


(we are not real estate agents but private investors and we may be able to pay more because there are no real estate fees or commissions earned or incurred) 


Up to $2000.00 cash (in your pocket) for moving funds or other expenses


We will put you in contact with our credit repair technicians to get to work right away helping you boost your credit.

You can avoid foreclosure by changing your mortgage loan with your lender. You could refinancing your debt, reducing your interest rate and/or extending the length of your mortgage term. This will reduce your monthly loan payments and help you avoid foreclosure.
You can challenge the foreclosure with a lawsuit if you have the grounds to do so.

You can let Sell Home Maverick negotiate a short sale on your home with your current lender.

How long can a home stay in pre-foreclosure?

It can be a 3-10 month period of pre-foreclosure until your home is offered at your county by the trustee.

Can I stop a foreclosure auction?

The only way to stop the sale is by negotiating with your lender, negotiating a short sale, or selling to a cash buyer.

Do you still owe money after foreclosure?

If you lose your home to foreclosure, you still might owe money to your lender. When foreclosure sale proceeds aren’t sufficient to repay the full amount of a mortgage loan, the difference between the sale price and the total debt is called a deficiency.

Will loan modification stop pre-foreclosure?

While modifying your loan can stop pre-foreclosure, it takes a lot of time so you want to contact your lender immediately to speak with them. While you are on the phone request a payoff on your home so you will know how much is owed in total. Call a cash company like to get an offer so you know all your options. (having a cash buyer gives you more control)

How bad is a foreclosure?

According to FICO, if your credit score is 680, a foreclosure will drop your credit score on average by 85 to 105 points. If your credit score is excellent at 780, a foreclosure will drop your score by 140 to 160 points.

Can a lender still come after me after foreclosure?

The answer is Yes. Depending on your type of foreclosure, you may receive the right of redemption. In judicial foreclosures, the lender takes you to court to takes possession of the property. Judicial foreclosures allow the lender to pursue a judgment for the deficiency balance owed on the property after the auction.


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